Earning Made Effortless

For Vendors (Video) https://youtu.be/xH1Bigqadk8
For Earners (Video)  https://youtu.be/hFavCGdfCNI

STEP 1.  Wallet Valuation
(per 2,000 active Wallet Recipients)

  1. Valuate the businesses Earn Wallet by calculating the number of monthly payables, receivables, vendors, suppliers, and employees
    Valuation Formula: Multiply the total number of these contacts by $500 and that gives you an estimated value for the business wallets value
  2. Go to the top of the website menu and click on Earn Accounts > 
  3. Hover over the Earn Accounts and scroll down to For Vendors > 
  4. Choose the account that is closest in value to your Valuation Estimate

STEP 2. Preview Your Pending Payments
$50K to $250k
(Benefits Packages)  

  1. Preview and discuss the different Payment Types listed on the page >
  2. In the COMPENSATION section of the page discuss the amount for each Pending Payment > 
  3. Next, Explain the amount of the monthly reimbursements from the Expense Card
  4. Then, explain the pending payments from the Wallet UPGRADES
  5. Finally explain pending payments from the complimentary SUPPORT TEAM


STEP 3. Get Approved
$50K to $10M 
(Earnings Accounts)  

  1. Click on one of the buttons labeled…START EARNING>
  2. Complete the Online Application
  3. Next, You must add your Wallet Recipients to your Earn Wallet by completing each step on this page until the “Expenses Paid” page appears at the top of the page
    Note: ( for emails and Linked In Contacts you must download your contacts into an excel spreadsheet then forward the xls. file(s) to partner@theearnapp.com and the Subject Line should be… Wallet Recipients for “Your First and Last Name”.

STEP 4. Get Paid
$50K to $10M 
(Earnings Accounts) 

  1. Upon completing the Add Wallet Recipients process, confirming your Expense Account payments and billing details you will land on the “checkout page”
  2. You will complete the Wallet Activation by paying the Wallet Activation fee that covers… your Expense Reimbursements, Sales & Marketing, Revenue Recovery License, Scheduling, Booking, and so much more


STEP 5. Get Unlimited Expense Reimbursements
$30K to $3M
(Expense Accounts)

  1. To be eligible for Expense Reimbursements you must Add A Card to your account by landing on your  MY ACCOUNT Dashboard >>
    My Profile – The Earn App > Profile > Payment Method > Add Payment Method

STEP 6. Set Up Your Wallet
$50K to $10M 
(Immediate Compensation Wallets)  
Note: To start receiving payments for your Products, Services, Billable Tasks, and Assignments you must complete your Store/Wallet setup

  1. Complete your Store Settings https://shop.theearnapp.com/dashboard/settings/store/
  2. Add your Products https://shop.theearnapp.com/dashboard/products/
  3. Add your Deals: https://shop.theearnapp.com/dashboard/coupons/
  4. Complete, Sign and Email W-9 to partner@theearnapp.com
    Requirement: You must provide amazing service to Earn App Wallet holders

STEP 7. Set Up Your Recurring Revenue Payments
$50K to $10M 
(Autopilot Earnings)
Track your Recurring Revenue, Sub Affiliate Commissions, and Marketing Tools & Tracking

  1. On your MY ACCOUNT page click on the button labeled… Recurring Revenue >
  2. Login to your Recurring Revenue Account >
  4. Click on Sub Affiliates to add your Sub Affiliates (to track your sub affiliate commissions


STEP 8. Set Up Your Social Media Income
$50K to $10M  (Autopilot Earnings)
Track your Campaigns that generates sales conversions from Subscribers, Likes, and Ad Conversions

  1. Create Video that reviews the Earn Wallet in a spectacular light.
  2. Share your Partner Link with your audience from your Partner Portal:
  3. Mention the Earn Wallet, Make a plug or reference to your Earn Wallet benefits
  4. Post your video and comments strategic blog sites, youtube channels, tags, etc.
  5. Invite subscribers to your Masterclass to learn how they can Be Your Own Boss and make a $1M by getting 2,000 Earn Wallet Vendor accounts activated by Showcasing, Linking, Email Broadcasting, Master Courses, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads and posting, Liking, Subscribing, Blogging, Posting

As a Licensed Earn Wallet Distributor, there are three main accountabilities;

Share your Wallet Invitation with your network of Wallet Recipients
Click Here >  https://shop.theearnapp.com/refer-a-friend/

STEP 2. Add your Affiliates & Sub Affiliates
Click Here >   https://apply.theearnapp.com/affiliate/affiliates/login.php

STEP 3. Login to your My Account page to confirm that your Vendor Wallets are activated
Click Here > My account – The Earn App

Provide Ongoing Support to activated accounts via your Support Ticket